We know that the standard way of wellness hasn't worked and that guilt, shame, and fear won't make us any "healthier".Intuitive Wellness is a dynamic process that is always evolving and unique to each individual. Our wellbeing is affected by what we do, think, feel, and believe. Our definition of wellness has been significantly influenced by social norms and creates doubt, anxiety, and fear. Instead, wellness should align with our intuition and emphasize pleasure, satisfaction, and self-care. Ultimately, this will be what leads us to long-term health.
Wellness includes our mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical health. Within each of these, we get to decide what is valuable and how to best take care of ourselves. Part of the intuitive process includes using interoceptive awareness (subtle sensory body-based feelings). This tool is paramount to our intuitive wellness. It's there that our intentions, choices, and actions empower positive change. It's where we thrive. I challenge you to redefine what wellness means to you. Life can flow with more ease and joy. Only you can connect the dots. .